
Still remember I mentioned that when I was young and still learning piano, I had a miserable time as I don't understand why I don't look as elegant as my piano teacher? I think that is because I don't have long hair those days. For no reason, dad just doesn't like me to keep long hair when I was still in school.

Now I have long hair. So I think it's time to do something that I want since childhood. I always wanted to learn violin! I am still improving my skill, so that I can play my fav songs smoothly.

Sometimes, it's not easy to get to do what you love. Some people just doesn't have the choice. But I have, and I feel really grateful that I get to do what I love to do.

I think I can play a better and smoother song one day. I am not quiet there yet, but I will be there one day :)



  • miusse fashion
  • Chun Shiong
  • Yin Keng
  • Bee Hui
  • Jaster
  • OneGig
  • Fax Ko
  • Phei Phei
  • Ross
  • Jia Yee
  • Yvonne

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