Sometimes, you just do not know whether what your belief is correct, or you are doing the right thing, or making the right choice.

The feeling is horrible. As if, all this while the people on the earth are so believe in newton’s laws, because that explains gravity. That explains why the apples are falling down from tree. But what will happen if one day, a scientist stands out and tells the world: “Hey you know what, newton is wrong!” Some people might resist, some people just ignore, and some people might choose to accept the new reality. I think the whole world will get crazy. It gives a big puzzle to the whole world: if newton is wrong, then what is causing the apples to fall down from the tree?

Just like relationship. You were so believe that there is a mutual magnetism thingy exists in between two of you. That’s why it pulls both of you together. You share things happened in your life with him, you are willing to sacrifice for him, you are ready to give more. Just because you thought you love each other. But what if one day you found out that, it isn’t the mutual magnetism that is putting you two together. It doesn’t exist at all. If it doesn’t exist, then what is causing both of you to move forward? That confidence he used to have, where does it come from? Isn’t this horrible?

I think it is. And it is giving me insomnia.

You told me that we will figure it out one day, we will see how it goes, and we will see what the next step is when the time comes. But you doesn’t seem like you are working on it. Do you know that, I do not feel angry, sad or disappointed. But I feel scared, because I don’t see the way. I feel so sightless.



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