My dad is a kid

This is so stylish. But can you imagine this bag belongs to a 59 years old uncle?

Nowadays, my dad has a new habit when he travels to somewhere. He will buy some batches from that place and then ask my mom to sew it on his backpack. So next time when he carries this bag around, his friends will say something like: “Oh, you have been to Nepal!” This reminds me those days when we were still a small kid, we always ask dad and mom to get us some ultraman/sailor moon/mickey mouse key chains or stickers to deco our school bag and pencil box. Just want to make it looks ‘stylish’ and different from our friends. So our friends will get jealous. My dad is a kid now. He is so proud of this bag.

By the way, I remember this bag used to be my sister’s when she was studying in college. Since when this belongs to him and some more he can ‘redesign’ the bag? I think he just took it from her without permission. Dad is always right huh?

Anyway, it’s 20th of June. Dear daddy and mommy, Happy Birthday to both of you. (Yeah, both of them share the same birth date. Romantic huh?) I always believe that it is not easy to find a life partner. You can have 10 to 100 criterias to search for an ideal wife or husband. But you need only one criteria to make the marriage last long, which is LOVE.



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