I am not Okay

Sometimes it is hard to believe in what your heart is saying. I thought I am a kind person with kind heart (or I should say I am trying to be) but I am not. I am a very selfish, jealous and over-sensitive person instead. I guess maybe the more I care a person, the more I hope the other person will put the same dedication like me. I wish I can do something to make myself perfect person. At least a girl with understanding and mature thinking. But if anything goes wrong or out of track, even though it is a small tiny little thing, these negative feelings will be invoked. I know this is very bad. And I feel very bad to have this kind of negative feelings. But I can’t help. I know I should not care so much. 
I try to control, and do not let the selfish Yin Mei dominant my body. I have done a good job previously. But sometimes I am not that strong.

Whenever I feel myself useless, I feel like crying.

I like this, artwork from Peyton Sawyer.



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