
我的Final Year ProjectsupervisorMr. Haris.很多同学和学第都问我他好不好. 我只能说, 当你和我一样blur, 你不妨考虑一下拿他当你的FYP supervisor. 因为有时侯他也很blur.


H: How… how is ur FYP?

M: OK la… but still kenot transmit the code to the receiver.

H: Then ah… the… the … parent unit is the transmitter rite?

M: Nope, the child unit is the transmitter. Parent unit is the receiver.

H: Ooo, then u check the transmitter and… and… and.. the receiver circuit again, c wat… wat… wat… is the problem.

M: -_-||| ooookkkk


H: How… how is ur FYP?

M: OK la… can transmit and receive already, but the LCD circuit cant work.

H: Then ah… Can the child unit receive the correct code from the parent unit?

M: HM…?

H: The child unit should be able to receive the code from the parent unit rite? Since the child unit is the receiver.


H: Ooo, then ah… then… so the child unit.. oh no… the parent unit can receive code or not.

M: can.

H: hv u try to do some testing on the transmitter and receiver circuit for different voltage level. Mayb it will give diff signal detection range for diff voltage.

M: ya, here is the data that I obtained.

H: ok.. so... so… the problem now is the LCD circuit. U go bek and check again c it can work or not.

M: -_-||| ooookkkk


H: How… how is ur FYP?

M: OK la… Basically work. But the system is not very stable.

H: Then ah… then… u check the connections and c… mostly bcoz of the connection problem… Hv u do the device testing? Let’say for different voltage level will give different signal detection range or not…

M: SIR, I did that and I show u the data last week.

H: (沉思一会儿)oh! Ya! Ya ya… I remembered that. Then… then… u go bek and try to stabilize the system la…

M: -_-||| ooookkkk


很可爱, 是不是? 他面对女生会很不自然, 还常常口吃. 他偶尔会讲话讲一半, 因为他讲完前半段的话时, 把后半段的话给忘了. 但其实我只是形容他blur的一面而已. 其实, 撇开他的blur blur不讲, 实际上他还是很好的一个supervisor, 和我分享很多事情, 给我很多建议. 但这些建议, 他通常会在一星期后就忘记了. 我也常常丢三忘四, 常常忘了交weekly technical report给他.

blur blur的学生遇上blur blursupervisor, 你不觉得是一个很完美的组合吗?


  1. exiang said...

    hmm. this fyp supervisor remind me of your industry supervisor as well - Mr Ken :D hahahahahah!  


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