In time

In this movie, when you die, people will not say that ‘she is dead’. They will say ‘she is timed out.’


In this movie, everyone carries a life clock. This life clock tells how much time you left, before you are timed out. It keeps counting down, every second. You can earn, steal, borrow or even gamble to win more time for yourself. Just like money.

有点像真实的世界不是吗。我们都知道,我们拥有的时间一直都在倒数着。但是最不同的是,我们的life clock是看不到的。你不会知道家里的父母亲还剩下多少时间,你还有多少时间去孝顺。你不会知道你恨的人还有多久会消失在你眼前。你不会知道你爱的人还能陪在你身边多久。你不会知道自己还有多少时间去和你care的人相处,或者想想那个你恨的人值不值得你用剩余的时间去恨他。




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