
I browsed through the youtube that day, when I was really bored. I found a video recorded from ‘China got talent’. There was a 12 years old Mongolian boy sings in the competition. I wasn’t quite impressed by his voice because I can't really understand the lyrics. But I was stunned, when he told the judges about his dream:


I want to invent a kind of ink that just need a drop to drop on the ground, the whole world will cover with green grass

He lost his parents when he was 8. And still, he came out with this statement when talk about his dream in life. At that moment, I feel embarrassing for being an adult. I have tons of complaints about my job and my life, and I don't contribute enough to help the community. I know I should appreciate for being myself, as I am in a better position compare to those unfortunates at the other side of the world.



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