
Why people always leave.
Why things always change.
Why fairy tales always lie.
Why there is no 'forever' in this world.
Why people like to take things for granted.
Why I can be easily upset by someone.
Why god always take things away from me, especially things that I treasured.
Why it is so difficult to find a nice place to stay in Penang.
Why it is so hard to get the yoga class that suit me.
Why my rabbits always die.
Why I am always alone.
Why it is so hard to find the right companion.

Why tears always drop without my notice.


  1. Stephanie meiyu said...

    Because this is life, learn to cherish it instead of questioning :P

    God says, challenges make u a tougher person, take them as challenges instead of sorrows.

    R u stronger now?  

  2. Unknown said...

    life is never so easy, we need to prepare for challenges...

    long time no see  


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