I miss Cyberia A2-1-10

A sincere advice to all the landlords, if you ever own a house/apartment/condo/whatever, never rent it to university students. They will never take good care of it and will do whatever they like.

Here is good example when a group of silly MMU students (and I am one of them) staying together.

Incident happened when we were staying in A2-1-10 Cyberia block A. We just wanted to find out who is the tallest and who is the shortest in the house, so as a future engineer, we took measurements. And this is how we measure…

- A confession to our landlord -

Don’t get mad, okay?
you should feel lucky,
because we drew with pencil,
not ink pen.

- End of confession -


  1. doozerspace said...

    scoll down ur blog, sudden saw this, look so familiar, yaya.. miss those days!!!  


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